Commissioner of Higher Education Raymund Paredes continues to participate in regional meetings around the state, discussing the Coordinating Board's 60x30TX plan. Some locations have yet to be determined, but the tentative schedule is available here. You may want to consult this site for periodic updates.
Note: Lunch will be provided at each location. Please register at least three business days in advance to ensure that we have enough food for all attendees, according to the press release.
In November 2015, Governor Greg Abbott and the Coordinating Board announced 60x30TX, the state’s new long-range plan for higher education, replacing Closing the Gaps. "60x30TX will help to establish an educated and globally competitive Texas workforce by 2030," the release continues. Please consult the links above for more information.
One issue attracting attention in the 60x30TX plan is found on page 29 of the report. Here is the troublesome language:
Decrease the excess semester credit hours (SCHs) that students attempt when completing an associate or a bachelor’s degree.
This target focuses on decreasing the total SCHs to degree to reduce costs and debt (21 as of 2014).
[Year] Targets to Reach the Goal
2020: 12 [SCHs]
2025: 6
2030: 3
Please note the word "attempt" above. Previous strategies to reduce so-called excess semester hours have focused on semester hours completed, not attempted. These are two very different metrics, as community college educators know.
Some teachers are concerned that such a change would greatly diminish student options to explore personal career and disciplinary majors, as they enter or return to college. These individual choices have already been reduced by recent policy changes to the core curriculum.
If you attend one of the regional meetings, this subject might be a good topic to raise.
The TCCTA state office is seeking clarification on the matter.