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April 01, 2015


Rachel Reeck and Toni Marek

One year ago we brought our concerns to a handful of Phi Theta Kappa staff, with a plea to keep our allegations confidential while an investigation was launched. We have taken great pains since that first request to do just that.

During this past year, our colleges and our advisors have joined us in this mission to privately advocate for a truly independent investigation into these allegations. Even with their support, we have been largely ignored by Phi Theta Kappa, up until the recent Inside Higher Education article.

In it, Dr. Risley “called the allegations false,” claiming that “PTK is aware of [the allegations] and that the complaints made by Reeck and Marek have been dismissed.” By their own admission, our complaints were dismissed as false, without an investigation.

Kip Johnson, Board Chair, released a statement claiming to have “authorized a thorough and independent investigation;” however, the law firm selected to conduct the current investigation is one that is regularly retained by Phi Theta Kappa. This is not conducive to a truly independent investigation.

Please help us to advocate for a wholly independent investigation, conducted by a party that is without the affiliation, influence, or control of Phi Theta Kappa. Supporting this independent investigation will allow the organization to truly focus on its mission to “recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year college students.”

We are not asking you to take sides in this matter; all of Phi Theta Kappa benefits from an independent investigation to reveal the truth.

Please visit the interactive timeline to see more in depth details of the events:


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